Three Ways For HR To Commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month This Year
September 15 to October 15 marks National Hispanic Heritage Month in the United States. This month is designed to celebrate "the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America." Commemorative months are important to HR professionals and organizations since they afford the opportunity to celebrate diversity as well as communicate and broaden our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion within our organizations.
This month and every year during this time, Human Resources leaders can help their organizations commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month and create equitable career paths for employees of color. Some suggestions and ideas are included below.
1. Serve As A Mentor
Research shows that bias often shapes our view of mentoring. Being aware of bias in the workplace through ongoing training is important. Bringing technology into the equation can also help. A learning and performance management protocol that allows mentors to connect with mentees based on skills and roles can help make deeper connections between colleagues.
As HR leaders who are often tasked with creating mentorship programs, we should examine our processes for unconscious bias. For example, at my organization, before we launched our mentorship program, we ran a pilot of it with our Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Council to gather valuable feedback and recommendations along the way.
Commemorative moments like this month provide an additional opportunity at work to evaluate if we have meaningful mentorship, allyship or sponsorship relationships with colleagues of color. Today's employees want to connect, share and learn from colleagues from many backgrounds and at all stages of their careers. Companies need to proactively encourage and facilitate these types of relationships.
2. Celebrate Together (Virtually)
In years past, it has been easier for facilities or events teams to work with HR to plan companywide celebrations of important dates. This year has presented challenges, but it should not stop organizations from commemorating these dates. Diversity and inclusion leader Janice Gassam Asare provided an excellent list of ways companies can celebrate this month. For 2020, each of these activities could be accomplished virtually.
Another important way for companies to promote learning and community involvement is to host a virtual meeting with a representative from their local Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Companies that are not yet working with their local chamber can also use the time as an opportunity to grow the relationship and become more engaged in their community.
3. Address The Pay Gap
According to the Economic Policy Institute, we have work to do as we strive for equitable compensation at work here in the United States. Organizations should ensure that they conduct regular pay equity reviews and make adjustments when inequitable situations are discovered. Additionally, recruiting and hiring policies and procedures should be reviewed as potential sources of pay inequity.
Establishing and conducting regular pay equity audits are important. Equally important is ensuring the company's policy regarding pay equity is part of the organization's ongoing communication and training. Involving hiring managers as part of the solution by training them to be aware of factors in recruiting and hiring processes that can lead to pay inequity is an important step in working toward pay parity at work.
As organizations take the time to celebrate their diverse workforce and commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month, they can make meaningful steps toward building a workplace where employees are valued and can thrive.
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